Friday, January 1, 2010


Hello folks, an introduction. I've been a silent film fan for decades and was just recently given a computer. I figured I would go on the internet and start looking up some favorite films of mine, and that is when I began finding message boards for fans. One such was Golden Silents. I joined, posted many items, both related to film and to my personal life. It seemed to be a very friendly community, sort of like a "knitting group". Then I was banned, and I have been trying to figure out why. I have saved many of my posts which have now been deleted from the message board.

The purpose of this blog is to expose what I find to be an "elitist" nature of this community peppered with subtle racism and intolerance for dissenting opinions. Who ever thought that a group of film fans would behave like a country club? I hope you enjoy the posts and if you are also a banned member of Golden Silents Message Board, I encourage you to come forward and share your story.


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